Have you ever played Mud and Blood, Dinowars, Chrome Wars, or Space Combat? You're probably ignorant of what these are but they are called war games. These medieval games revolve around several types of military actions - whether it is fiction or non-fiction.

Probably, the very first thing that has your mind when you hear of war games is Warcraft or even DoTA. But there are a huge selection of these games online. And generally, they're classified in to the following types: famous or sessions of days gone by, theoretical, fantasy, or sci-fi.

Old games generally speaking make-up most of the war games online. They attempt to characterize a rational estimate of-the true benefits, topography, and other real factors imposed on the game players. Some historical games are Blood and Mud, Palisade Guardian, and Pearl Harbor. In Blood and Mud, you engage in the WW-II battlefield as a team leader in a randomly generated scenario. In Palisade Guardian, you defend your base from your invading WW-II soldiers. And in Pearl Harbor, you then become a Japanese fighter plane pilot assigned to take it down - the event that brought about WWII.

Theoretical or elsewhere known as theoretical war games, on one hand, are founded on the specific tracks previously but are related to wars that have not actually happened. A very good example of this type is Empire Wars. In this war game you create your own personal empire and must manage it from the development of the people, the availability of their garbage or natural sources, the explorations, food availability, and a lot more, of course including war.

Imagination war games are generally games which are crafted from the creator imagination without really considering scientific methods. It does not follow a specific standard and for that reason this class is quite broad. Several examples of imagination are Divine Generals and Blood Arena. A game of struggle and combat between mythological beings, fantasy, and individuals is Blood Arena. You will combat others in your pursuit of supremacy and build up your own personal guild with players and beings. In Divine Generals, you construct buildings, make resources, increase populace, and take over enemy cities.

More information is found here.

Science-fiction war games, however, are games which are based o-n scientific facts or ideas which involves the development of human race and technology. Sci-fi does not have to be entirely determined by scientific methods because some might be modified, but doing a lot of modification is likely to make it come under fantasy. Some situations of Sci-fi war are Chrome Wars and Space Combat. It is a robot-based war game where you will power up your robot and get ready for war. You decide to attack or defend to be able to eventually defeat all of your opponents.

So, now that you are informed of different types of war games online, it is now your turn to choose and perform the war games online of your choice!

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    June 2013

